Monday, February 2, 2009

The Future of Lightwave 3D

A few months ago, monolithic software giant Autodesk finalized the purchase of Softimage XSI and pretty much all of its assets. This is big news in the CGI world because Autodesk now owns three of the Big Four animation packages – Maya, Max, and XSI. Only Lightwave 3D stands alone as an independently-developed, all-around effects and animation solution.

Continues here: ARTICLE


1 comment:

  1. "Only Lightwave 3D stands alone as an independently-developed, all-around effects and animation solution."
    Hmmm, my guess is you completely forgot about Cinema 4D, Houdini, and Modo (I know it doesn't quite have a full animation solution yet, but it will).
    Autodesk isn't going to be the end of the CG world. There are still plenty of choices out there. Open your eyes.
